
privacy vs personalization?
What do you choose?
I choose DDG

  • 5
    True personalization would mean privacy. Otherwise, what is called "personalized" is really just "we want you to use this feature and we won't tell you what it does."
  • 4
    @chadd17 How would search results be customised to you if they didnt keep track of what you were interested in finding?
  • 7
    not a Google fanboy, but I was wondering, how do you make sure they are not tracking you? What do they store on their servers?
    I've always wondered how one can make sure of that :)
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm your interests are your own. when I search cookies, i search http cookies so i don't get chocolate chip. It's up to the user to make the program do what he wants, not up to the company to try and guess.

    TL;DR personalization should be up to the user, and nobody else.
  • 0
    Just use qwant.
  • 2
    I'm a Google guy... Sorry but I find Google waayy more useful and accurate
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    @Jop- for my searches results of qwant are usually better than duckduck
  • 5
    @Jop- they can't be more worse than bing results 😂😂
  • 1
    Google ☺
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    @Jop- Bing is trying very hard don't pick on it for failing
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    If only it wasn’t also privacy vs good search results. Unfortunately DDG just isn’t there yet
  • 1
    Google is really good at searching. Most of the times I don't get what I really want from DDG. I use encrypted Google with Ghostery chrome extension to keep trackers away..
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    So. Which browser should I use if I want some level of privacy?
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    I just use Google, I'm in the small percentage of people who seem to trust Google full heartedly, the tailor made ads and suggestions have actually been pretty handy
  • 1
    @cGF0 Tor will give you all the privacy, if you use it right. Opera has a built in, free vpn. Firefox is pretty good on privacy if you change some settings around.
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    I can't find most of my favourite pr0n stars an duckduckgo. I'm staying with google.
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    I like whatever makes me to complete my job faster. Currently I'm way faster using Google. I almost never found exactly what I was looking for while I used Duck Duck Go.
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    ddg isn't using google search results anymore, so I switched back to startpage.com
  • 0
    Anything but Google really

    But i use bing
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