If you had to evacuate your office due to a fire without your laptop and the office was destroyed could you continue to work? Do you have offsite recovery laptops?

Developers usually have flexibility where they can work from but sometimes do not have backup machines available and configured.

As a side question - would your other critical processes - accounting, HR, sales be able to continue to keep your business going in a disaster - or would they be like deer in headlights?

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    Our development servers would be fine as their backed up off site. Our business tools on the other hand still run of access 2000 we have backups but it's such a pain in the ass to set up it would take a while to get back up and running
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    git clone...
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    all our source code is on github (private). we don't do hosting ourselves. I think that we could have everything up and running again in a day.
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    We have another location we the exact same server and networking hardware. Our offsite backups are stored in the cloud and with in driving distance so all I have to do it grab the drives, spin up the VMs, and redirect the DNS. If you have a laptop, you can VPN in, or if you want to come to the new location.
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    Dropbox yo. Everything is in my pro account. Not a single thing that I couldn't spin up on any other machine. Granted, I will have wait about 12 hours for a fresh Dropbox sync, but I can't live without it.
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