
I have found the best game for learning ever XD
I have recently heared about io.netgarage.org and tried to solve several it's levels, and I find this game awsome
It is the best to learn reverse engineering)) it is just like an Impossible quiz, where you have to smash the stack to get to the next level))
I have wasted much time for that, but it is worth it))
((Not an advertisment))

  • 1
    Screeps is also an awesome game.
  • 0
    @PrivateGER need to try) it is interesting who has copleted netgarage quiz) I am sure that 32nd (the last) level is almost impossible
  • 0
    Thanks for sharing this, I'll definitely check it out.

    Just in case you haven't heard of these, some other great ones with introductory levels are 'Exploit Exercises' and 'pwnable.kr'.
  • 0
    @Fydrenak hoho, I will have fun with that one too) tnx)
  • 0
    You have a thing for the right round bracket, have you?
  • 0
    @-eth (it is (lisp))
  • 0
    @OrestH { whoa; }
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