
Hi all. I'm now connected to wifi of another restaurant ordering expensive food and cheap lemonade. Next (hehe nextjs) to this restaurant isa cinema and Barbie movie is being emitted in Extreme IMAX 2D should i go and watch it with my blonde gf after we eat (expensive) food? (last night and this morning i got lots of sexes from her so im pretty low on bullshit today and dont care about wave 2 shitstorm from last night)

  • 11
    Maybe ask blonde gf instead of us. Just a hint.
  • 2
    don't listen to @horus to ask her... I mean do you really want to do this to yourself, really?

    I watched the trailer in the cinema...
  • 0
    @We3D she likes barbie stuff and acts like a feminine barbie and this movie is literally called barbie so im not sure what to do
  • 1
    @b2plane hmm, maybe it's worth the shot. take her to watch it, she might change her mind about her idol ;)
  • 0
    @b2plane it's just better when a movie with actors ruins your childish fantasies about your cartoon hero ;}

    viva la earth work Jim =]
  • 0
    @We3D is the movie promoting feminism and trashing men? Tell me quickly cause i will not take her to such brainwashing movies at any cost
  • 0
    @b2plane they don't spoil much in that trailer, but seeing men and women to act like robots ( more doll-like? ) and more than one Ken was too much for me ( who usually don't play with dolls ( unless cosplay one ;} ) )
  • 7
    What is this community
  • 2
    @b2plane Obviously, it is exactly that kind of trash: https://theconversation.com/greta-g...
  • 4
    I think the blonde girl and sexes have a bad influence on your ranting skills. Is she really that worth it? People count on you. I think you should brake up
  • 0
    The fucking tags
  • 0
    Take her to see Oppenheimer. Will be much better for your relationship. Because I hate to see other people happy.
  • 0
    @dmonkey idk I feel like this is a bit of a "following my shit day, I'm now more zen", so kinda fits.
  • 0
    hmmmm.. lol
  • 2
    @retoor yes shes worth it cause she gives me sex whenever i want to
  • 2
    @b2plane she knows you're doing spring boot? Or you're her forbidden fruit?
  • 1
    @ostream I know. It had to happen soon or late
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