
Looking to get a more portable laptop 13" or 14" does anyone have any suggestions? Will be used for VS/JetBrains/Android Studio.

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    Macbook pro
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    Just make sure you get Windows 10 Pro, not Home or 10 S.
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    If you dig MacOS take a mac. Otherwise Dell xps13 or ThinkPad x series
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    Anything with at lest one port to connect a second monitor...
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    MacBook Pro
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    Xps 13 is pretty nice. I have an original one (2012) that still perform well enough with a fresh Ubuntu install.
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    XPS 13 or 15. 13 if you do Linux stuff, 15 if windows. 15 has Nvidia GPU that is a pain to get running in Linux. 10hr battery life on 1080p version
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    @stevemk14ebr I use mostly Linux, couldn't bumblebee fix the Nvidia thing? Is it not switchable GPU?
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    @mdalex I'm fairly experienced with Linux and couldn't get it to work. The real issue is you can't disable I it in bio's, you need the graphics drivers to turn it on and off at runtime.

    You can use the built in generic nevuou driver to boot but you can't turn the GPU off with it so your 10hr battery goes to 3hrs.

    In order to get bumblebee working to turn GPU off I thrn had to install the Nvidia proprietary driver which caused the system to hang at splash screen. I tried Debian jessie(hangs always), Ubuntu 16 lts (boots in safe mode), and Ubuntu 17( hangs always). I probably messed the driver install up (it's weird, have to go to tty terminal and sudo su then go through shitty console installer).

    Some claim they got their drivers working, but I've been unable too. If you do get one working please let me know though!
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    @stevemk14ebr that's weird, I love having switchable in BIOS on my Lenovo y700, nouveau driver from my.experience is horrible
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