
Most useless things are mysql error messages lol

  • 7
    sql - Syntax error near '*entire sql command*'
  • 10
    Try to write a query on multiple lines, it's more readable and the sql error tells you the line that now make sense.
    Like this:

    SELECT *
    users AS u
    clients AS c
    WHERE u.id = c.id
    AND u.foo = 'bar'
    GROUP BY c.city
    ORDER BY c.age ASC
    LIMIT 0, 100
  • 4
    My favourite has to be:

    "Mysql has gone away."
  • 1
    @localghost i needed use this at writeing stored procedures and triggers lol its hell but at normal queries i like a bi more compact way
  • 1
    @kunashe Is it… is it going to come back? 😢
  • 1
    @jAsE I can't tell if your being sarcastic but imo MSSQL errors are like clap infested turds. Disgusting to smell and makes your eyes go die slowly in a hole.
  • 1
    @devios1 nah it ain't!
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