
HR: "Thanks for reaching out - your resume is quite impressive! Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there's a great fit at this time. We'll be sure to keep you in mind should our needs change in the future though. Good luck!"

Me: "It is unfortunate to hear, but I appreciate the reply. May I ask where exactly did I fall short, so I may be better informed and prepared for the next time I apply anywhere?"

Let's see how this goes. Biggest hurdle? Landing the first job, I swear :(

  • 4
    Keep going my friend!
  • 15
    Keep it up, all it takes is one!
  • 1
    They never replied to me when I asked them what's wrong. Good luck though
  • 1
    Always ask that.
    Some will actually reply with helpful advice or tell you why you didn't fit their profile.
  • 3
    Thanks for all the encouragement guys, i truly appreciate it. Don't worry about me, I'm not letting it get to me, I'm still applying for any junior posutions i feel like i can handle. I'm actually working on a website for somebody now; once i finish this, i have another prospect (would be my first e-commerce site) and i was thinking about making a simple website for a friend as thanks for looking out for me when i needed it. I just want the freedom of working from anywhere so i can visit the US and my home island as I please to see my friends and family as i wish on my terms. I really love development; I'd do it for free, but a man's gotta eat and take care of himself and his loved ones.
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