
So you poor devs... you have to be strong now, hr has a new tool to torture you: Skype has a new coding interview function.
What do you think about that? Good or even more abuse?

  • 3
    It will save some resources for the employers and doom for the aspiring devs. lol.
  • 39
    Don't worry it's JavaScript not a real programming language.

    Shots fired
  • 7
    @dontPanic 😄
    It says the syntax highlighting works for C, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Python and Ruby.
  • 9
    I don't get it, why is that guy having a coding interview in a server room?
  • 3
    @theuser not all companies have "server rooms". I used to work on the same room our network switches/routers/junk were. Actually, i moved rooms but the switches/routers mived with me.. :) would worry more if we could see tiles and the top part of the toilet behind him.
  • 2
    @pagongski Most companies have offices though
  • 9
    Skype 😷
  • 3
    Interviews should always be face to face. It is not just about skills, it is much more about personality and if candidate is good fit for the team or not.

    Skills can be trained up. Personality not.

    Anyway there is a probation period in the contract to prove the skills. But you surely cannot estimate candidate's personality via webcam.
  • 0
    @DefiniteGoose have a look at their blogpost https://blogs.skype.com/tips/2017/...
  • 0
    @demiko unless it's from the waist down 😂
  • 0
    I dont think there is an actual use for this.
    If I got an problem I commit and ask my project member to look for it or we open Teamviewer seassion or I ask coworkers

  • 0
    Edit: dafuq I just realized I completly missed the context. Sorry.
    But thats shit, I dont like it.
  • 1
    @sylflo install skype lite!
  • 1
    I wouldn't work for anyone that uses Skype for interviews
  • 0
    @dontbeevil We agree
  • 0
    @dontbeevil I didn't know that, that's nice but anyway if I get the job I might be forced to use Skype :)
  • 1

    I might have done this. XD

    ..A few times.
  • 0
    @Cyanite Hey, if it works for news anchors I don't see why it shouldn't for Skype interviews. No pants no stress 🙃
  • 1

    Also youtubers.

    And just people who like to video call but don't want to wear bottoms. :3
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