
ChatGPT can solve a Rubik's cube in less than a second, but it still can't find its way out of a recursion loop!

  • 2
    Do you have an example of the recursion issue?
  • 0
    ChatGPT is done for. Move on.
  • 5
    @Sid2006 move on to what? I still like chatGPT
  • 1
    Rubik's cube solving is a solved problem.

    Taking one second is abysmal in computer terms.

    Humans only take on the order of 4 seconds because of inherent nerve transmission delays.
  • 1
    @retoor I don't know, old school Google searches?

    My reply is biased because I have never liked Chat GPT.
  • 3
    @Sid2006 did you play with it enough? Recently I found out that you can write text in specific style and ask it to summarize something using that style. Or in style of Trump of even better: gen-z. I even asked chatGPT why some people don't like him. He gave seven points why he sucks. That doesn't suck!
  • 1
    @retoor Oh you're using it casually... that explains it. I meant more from a standpoint of "This tech will replace developers" "Developers should fear this tech from making them redundant".
  • 1
    @Sid2006 nah, it's a tool great for giving examples / summarize stuff but if it can replace your job - kill yourself
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