over 100 commits on my feature branch


  • 1
    Hope you rebased a lot
  • 2
    Break up that PR hon. Bite size is quick to get through PR
  • 4
    Hulk smash!
  • 1
    Is this a bad practice? Having a lot of commits on branches?
  • 1
    Sounds like a big feature.
  • 2
    Sounds like a feature not meant to go live
  • 3
    BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD); git checkout master && git pull && git checkout $BRANCH && git reset --soft master && git commit -m "Feature complete" && git push --force
  • 0
    @DeepHotel the bigger the amount of code the longer everything takes.
    Ideally you just want a singular commit or just a few for a specific feature. If that feature is too big you will mess up in other ways especially if you dont do CI.
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