Best part of working from home? Oh boy, here I go

1. NO COMMUTE !! Fuck public transport. I can just grab my laptop straight to my bed, get comfortable and work in whatever posture I wish to.

2. Relaxation and peace of mind. The local park, library, football ground. I can go anywhere to get work done. All I need is my phone and laptop.

3. Better food - I can cook my own food. Dieting actually works by eating home-made food and not the fried bullshit we eat outside.

4. No office politics - Remote working means you don't have to think about being a circle and getting liked or not. Get your work done and that's it.

5. No "Extra" Activities - We all know HRs are just bored af people making employees have "fun" activities just to push a "culture" agenda on LinkedIn. Umm no thanks.

6. No toxicity - Well, this one is a doozie, you don't get workplace toxicity but you do get home toxicity. People assuming that you stay in ur room all day and do nothing. I'd still take home toxicity though.

7. If there is no work, I don't have to pretend that I am working and hiding my screen from my boss. I can just play video games in that time.

8. Option to start a side-hustle. You have more chances to retain some energy after your shift to start investing/putting time into something that can make you extra cash.

9. Worldwide opportunities - Because of WFH, I work with clients from Netherlands, Estonia, London and Cayman Islands. It never would have happened if I was in an office job.

10. Only work, no extra bullshit - be it smoke breaks, casual tea, conferences, work summits etc. None of that and I don't want it.

11. Your errands get done - Need to go to the dentist at 10 am? You can do that. Need to pick up your kid at 3 pm? You can do that. You need 5 pm time dedicated to go the gym? You can do that.

In conclusion, I absolutely vouch for WFH and would never take WFO for as long as possible.


  • 14
    Idk if this one applies to anyone else, but I've always said home is where you shit most comfortably
  • 9
    this is the way

    (as well as the above comment 💩)
  • 5
    But what about the synergies???? Don’t you miss those? And the integrated verticals!
  • 8
    I can appreciate most points, but to me it's very difficult to stay focused, and to have work-life balance because I almost always feel like I should work into the evening (because I lost focus throughout a lot of the day)

    I swear I don't work for commercial real estate lol
  • 1
    @nururururu haha .. no worries. Sometimes I go through this as well. I'll just be sitting around watching YouTube, playing video games all afternoon and actually get started at 5 pm. Something about evenings/nights helps with focus.
  • 1
    @unicornhunter Why don't you speak for yourself? I've been working from home for the last 3 years and i love it more and more each year.
  • 1
    WFH removes so much bullshit from the WFO that I honestly can't believe that there are people who prefer WFO!

    I always assume that HR people are writing thise stupid posts about how WFH is toxic and WFO is good.

    Like, what they have to do if we all are at our homes working? They have to do their fucking job instead of "fun activities"

    What is their job description anyway? Is it some concrete decription or just some abstract bullshit?
  • 1
    @devJs they miss performing sexual harassment.
    Given how common that shit is (was?) nearly all bosses whose company is WFH are craving it like air, and since most of HR's work is to prevent it, they fear for their jobs if that problem get mostly solved by some well timed screen capture.
    Never trust someone in a power position who misses WFO.
  • 3
    @JsonBoa oh, i witnessed head of HR presented one of our colleagues as MILF from "the company" when she went to present something.

    Almost everybody commented out loud things like: really, dude?, You know that you're complete moron?, That was idiotic and sexist thing to say!

    Dude just smiled and said with some sense of pride: that's who i am!

    He never apologised to the lady!

    Funny thing is that was inside the company event so nobody outside company knew about it at the time.

    Some other time I was on some IT conference and after the "mobbing and sexual harrasement of women in IT" or something between those lines presentation and discussion panel was over, same dick came to stage as he somehow was a host and comented that he prefers when women are dressed in short business skirts, tight blouses, nylon stockings and high heels.

    I would say that this is a lie if I wasn't there!

    To work in HR, it seems to me, you don't have to have any morals or brain cells at all.
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