Just finished installing Deepin OS on my old laptop as an attempt to get familiar with linux (coming from win10). It looks gorgeous, I got at least four orgasms from the installation process alone. And it comes with lots of cool apps preinstalled (Chrome, Spotify, Steam, etc). So far I'm very happy with it.

  • 7
    Looks like macOS.
  • 1
    @CoffeeAndHate That's the way it was meant to be:)
  • 2
    I really liked deepin's interface, its DE. I installed it on arch in two separate occassions some time ago and noticed it got faster and had fewer bugs. The only things i didnt like were its music player(just didnt work) and some painful dealing with desktop shortcuts and whatever other things there. I couldnt right click, remove, there was no remove for a thing i had made with right click, create!
  • 5
    Why not pre-installed with Firefox? 😞
  • 4
    @linuxxx Who in the world still needs Firefox? It was pretty good years ago, now it's just a big mess. Just my opinion.
  • 10
    @tracktraps I still use it every day. I'd rather use a good open source browser than having Google integrated in it :) (just my opinion as well)
  • 4
    @linuxxx I use Chromium (without the Google crap in it) as my main browser and Min (https://github.com/minbrowser/min) for private browsing (Youtube etc.).

    Since I mainly develop for the frontend, I have necessarily installed Firefox and countless other browsers. All are in docker containers, though.
  • 2
    @tracktraps ++ for Chromium!
  • 2
    Vivaldi browser
  • 3
    @RafD I like Vivaldi, but I'm afraid the future isn't very bright.
  • 0
    I also really like the app store, mainly the developer apps.
  • 2
    Chrome? On Linux? What are you, some sort of Communist?
  • 4
    @tracktraps Chromium is made by Google... It's the same as Chrome sans closed source material, namely the auto updater. All the integration with Google still exists. If you want chromium without Google use ungoogled chromium
  • 2
    Yeah, these Linux distros tend to bundle really cool apps and features with themselves for specific purposes, e.g. Development.

    Pretty much don't have the restrictions that larger players have.

    Still, didn't stop Microsoft from bundling fucking candy crush and other crap with windows 10.
  • 0
    You can also try elementaryOS, works better if your computer struggles a bit.
    It's based on Ubuntu and perfect if you want to get familiar with Linux :)
  • 0
    Deepin has out of the box touchpad gestures. Be sure to check that out. It's pretty accurate too.
  • 0
    @aihe I had some serious issues with this distro. It froze very often and crashed frequently. The was only a few months ago. This could be be a use i was using a surface pro 3. Still had a bad time haha.
  • 0
    i am using manjaro deepin since 4 months. and damn it hangs like hell. Did you have the same issues? ( fyi i got an i5 with 8gb so definitely
    not​ hardware issue )
  • 0
  • 0
    Is that thinkpad? Which series?
  • 0
    But its chinese
  • 0
    @aihe elementary is beautiful and comes with some great tools. Was laggy on my pc however but I excused it. It's free and open source anyway.

    I just realized why I shouldn't complain about something open source being buggy or lacking a feature. It's open source! You can contribute to it yourself as well.
  • 2
    @linuxxx firefox is really good!
  • 0
    @linuxxx I use Vivaldi, chromium based. Not sure if they removed the googles
  • 1
    @enakenak Thinkpad T61
  • 1
    @chiragiem36 yes, but it is open source. They have a whole forum post on theit site about why you should trust a chinese distro. At least we know it's original 😂
  • 1
    @moortuvivens Most browsers these days are somehow based on chromium. Vivaldibrowser has removed a lot of things, but there are still some things left of Google, like the chromestore.
  • 0
    @SparkyTD A real thinkpad, i like it.
  • 0
    @pajaja I don't think it's worth spending huge sums on computers. I use Thinkpads, of course, but rather the cheaper Thinkpads which are sufficient for my work. If it breaks, it's not so bad and I just buy a new (cheap) one. The technology is progressing so fast that it is simply not worth it.
  • 0
    I've been using Deepin 15 - not Manjaro Deepin but the original Chinese distro - as my daily driver for about 6 months now on my 2012 Mac Air. Fast as hell, solid as a rock, almost never makes the fans spin, and does only and exactly what I want it to do. And it worked completely straight out of the box except that I needed to build a webcam driver.

    Deepin 20 is supposed to come out in November. And it looks like this. Can't wait.

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