
Just got my stickers in the mail today. Damn good quality. Didn't come with any documentation though. Needless to say the cat is now missing in action.

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    Poor that's it's stuck on a mac.
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    @liquid-dev What's your point.
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    @liquid-dev I don't think I can go back to windows considering the the unix tools I use now and that this machine has to much environmental setup to do again. Plus I hate syncing stuff between two computers. I just plug this mac into my ultra wide and I'm good.
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    Envious people that never used a Mac will always try to tell you how bad it is.. 🤷
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    @wholl0p Agreed, I can second that. I didn't like mac before I used it. Even than it took me a while to really learn and appreciate its strengths.

    Must be why Linux is so beloved by some.
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    @wholl0p It wasn't made for tech-savvy people.
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    @filthyranter true but it appeared to be the perfect working machine for devs... doesn't matter what it's was designed for
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    @eArshdeep my opinions on mac span from using one every day for over a year.

    Ive used an iMac and yes they are very nicely put together software wise. I cant complain there.

    The OS is the best on the market in my opinion however it wasn't until I opened up my first MacBook to realise that what your getting for the money (hardware) wise if absolutely a rip off!!.

    The way there put together is shabby as well!.

    After looking back I do see that me putting that without any context was a stupid thing to do xD.

    Just my opinion!.
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    @liquid-dev Yea, context is important. And I agree with you fully. I find the mac to be a bit over priced, I don't particularly like the io, the os isn't the the best. And I hate apple for how they run their company like a business over a tech company. Ironic, I know.

    But the reason I do use mac is that I can take it with me and dock it at a station at home.

    Plus I have all of my environments setup and don't care to repeat it again. So I'm happy staying where I am from a logistic stand point.
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