
So I've been playing some DnD with friends.
And we've been working with some lego characters, whiteboard markers and plastic sheets to draw on.

But that's always a mess:
The ink was old and did not come off again for the most part
The sides of the map curled up and and made the lego character fall over
The lego characters were too big
And more...

So I thought, why not make it digital?

And so I did.
I used UWP to make a master and a client, both using the Windows Ink api to be able to draw.
Some circles with an initial served as characters, and everything was synchronized using a TCP library I wrote half a year ago.

Yesterday we tried it out.
We all (including me) were sceptical if it would work well because the 'analog' clumsy way we did it before does have a certain charm.

But at the end we were all very enthousiastic about it and we'll be using it next time too!
It's awesome to be able to create programs for your own use :D
That's why being able to program is such a great thing!

Now I need to restructure everything, make it more efficient, add a turn order display, make the map zoom- and moveable and more and more....

  • 2
    That looks awesome!
  • 3
    Open source?
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    @Artemix if it's uwp, I imagine not.
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    @spongessuck I could make it open source if there's interest. But right now I host the Git in TFS (or whatever they call it now) and the code is mess because it was made in a hurry.
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    @Artemix Nope, just Windows 10. It could be done in WPF as well, but then you'd still be limited to Windows. (Which is just fine for me)
  • 1
    Nice work! Hobby programming is where it's at. I wish it were easier to make a living doing this kind of stuff. I'd leave my job in a heartbeat.
  • 1
    Dude if you can code 'fog of war' and a lighting/visual system I would use this...I know there are a lot of open source tools in the DnD/Tabletop Community but I would mad fucks with this if I had the source code. The UI for the most part looks pretty fresh, great job man👍 I love when a DM/GM goes above and beyond.
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    @KidLaser FoW is on the list of things to do :) With a lighting system, do you mean the bright-dim-dark system? That could be done in the FoW system.
    I'm working on a restructured version now that I will put on Github.
  • 0
    @Geoxion lol dark theme everywhere jk hah yea I mean like FoW lighting stuffs. Please keep us updated on the gitHub thing would really like to take a peak at this thing. I've used a vast amount of tabletop related software, I love seeing things like this come together from the community.
  • 0
    How do I subscribe to a rant for updates lol?
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    @dongerzone Haha no idea :P
    But the updated, not-rushed, version will be put up on my github. You can find it via my account.
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    @Geoxion there's a star and a fork coming your way friend!
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    If you want example to follow there is fantasy ground for games like d&d
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    @Mjack Thanks for the tip!
    But that's way outside of what we want. We want the app to support the game, but not be the game.
    Like, the dice will be thrown with real dice. Not because I don't trust the computer, but because throwing dice is just fun :)
  • 0
    Why not just use free roll20 or awesome paid FantasyGrounds? There so much great existing tools, but you just have to reinvent the wheel... Great work anyway. But it would be cool if you were doing something that is really new.
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    @amadare I still hate that "Why re-invent the wheel" thing. It's fun.
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    @amadare It's not about the destination, it's about the journey :)
    By making it myself I can learn new things and make the app exacly how I want it to be
  • 6
    Take it to the next level with a touch screen table top!
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    @trogus that's hawt 🔥🔥
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    @trogus well.if I'm not.mistaken, this should run on a surface hub ;)
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