
I don't know if this is the same thing everywhere over the world, but, in France, where I live, there's something that infuriates me on so many levels.

Dear HRs,

When you're processing through a recruitement process, you'll publish a job offer. In 95% of these offers, I notice things that follows the same pattern : "We require a highly trained developer in [insert language 1], especially with the [insert a framework from language 2] framework". This often happens when you're talking about Java in first place, but then switching to Javascript.

Please, dear HRs,

GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER ! I don't know, ask to some of your developers to review your offer, to spot these beginner mistakes. This is an automatic turn-off for me when I notice this king of bullsh*t in job offers, and I understand that the person that wrote this offer has no fucking idea of the business his/her company is dealing with.

Later, these people are those who will interview you with generic IT questions, that they have no idea about what a correct answer might be, and they will only check if your answer matches what is written on their cheat sheet. If you're lucky enough, some people from the actual business will be with the interview crew, so you can actually expect some kind of understanding.

*angrily goes back to looking for a job*

  • 8
    Don't you realise that they don't care? Their only goal is to get their client to sign a contract with someone. Anyone. Any illiterate will do, as long as client signs. They are not responsible for quality. They are not interested in finding the best candidate. Quite contrary, if company later fires that new guy, they will get one more request to find someone new.
  • 1
    ++ for "king of bullshit"
  • 0
    @Valeth when a missclick actually brings you fame 👌
  • 1
    Same here in Germany, once they contacted me with a competely wrong name and unfitting job description, as in "hey John, we noticed you are fluent in punch cards!"
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