
How many of you use SWAP on your VPS?
If you do, pls stop.

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    Zram swaps 😇
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    @Linux no, why?
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    It kills the disks
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    @Linux makes sense
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    @Linux What do you mean kills the disks? Like physically?
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    Yes, physically
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    @Linux Ok. How is that relevant? It's a VPS not your personal computer, that's what you pay for
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    It also slows down the disk for everyone else. And if you pay for IOPS - RIP wallet
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    @Linux True, if you pay for it then should be conscious about how you're spending you're money. And if I got a VPN I'd probably just get one with more RAM than use swap.

    Tho still I think all hardware issues and issues between users are on the provider's shoulders. I mean, that's why you use a VPS instead of a physical instance, so you wouldn't have to deal with the underlying crap 😄
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    @Linux To be honest I'd go even a step further and use containers if possible to get even more stuff out of the way 😁
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    Don't even have the option to
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    @Froot yeah, lets just piss on the bus floor because we don't have to deal with the cleaning.
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    @Linux to bad I don't care about the other customers.... Maybe if the host was any good they'd use ssds and we wouldn't have to worry about that problem...
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    @azous No, no, it's not that. The bus is a community service. A VPS is a service whose one primary use is abstracting away the hardware layer.
    So a better example would be to say "Let's all sit in the bus, who cares that doing that will wear out the seats"
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    If you abuse the service, suspension awaits :)

    Yes, and SWAP is a knife against the seats
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    @Linux Heh. Ok. But seriously, is there any benefit to using swap as opposed to more RAM on a VPS? Is it cheaper? It's also slow as hell isn't it? Why do people even do this?
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    @Linux actually digital ocean kinda supports the whole swap thing. To the point that they have a tutorial on there site for it.
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