
Can totally relate to this

  • 2
    or there's a hero coder that is familiar with the topic and the solo developer isn't (-:
  • 1
    I can totally relate
  • 1
    @Autism420 yep I added it as a tag but somehow it didn't add or I del it accidentally. Apologies.

    Source: 9gag
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    I simply don't understand this (joke?) post...
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    @Archetipo the idea is that working alone can be much faster without the communication deadlock. Compare putting together a solution to a problem on your own vs putting together a mockup for your company, agreeing on the business requirements, working with the team to build a reusable solution, and meeting a long term deadline.
  • 0
    Is this other way of saying "fuck off" to collab projects.
  • 1
    @sixteenbitt I think that working in 2 people on the same project is faster and better because you have a real time feedback. (At least in my opinion during high school my friend and I worked very well together)
  • 4
    The mythical man month.
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    @RaspberryPi it's supposed to be "inspirational" becuz that dude said it just say something like "amazing quote" and move on
  • 0
    Fred Brooks is the man.
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