When interviewing for a .NET position, ask which language they work in! Don't assume it to be C#. Even when you do and pass your technical test in C#. This is how I found out a few days into my current job I'd now be working in Visual Basic. Part of me thinks they hid the truth on purpose :(

  • 1
    Ewww... I feel for you! Tell them to stuff it!
  • 4
    Yes, and its not ethical.

    For a while, we (we = the hiring manager) told candidates we were a .Net shop (C#, WPF, SOA..all the bells and whistle buzzwords)

    Then after orientation, the 'bomb' dropped that they would be working on legacy code written in Delphi. Not the latest, cross platform, 64-bit Delphi, but Delphi 2007 patched together with 'pirated' components that took hours to install+configure.

    We're now a 100% .Net shop, that hiring manager has since been fired (for that and many other unethical behavior)

    Part of our interview and on-boarding process is to show code, walk around and talk to other devs (random, nobody is prepped to spew canned 'we're a team!' sugary nonsense).

    When interviewing, you'll know when the time is right (and your talking to the right individual), ask to see code. Ask for a walk around, ask "It's 8:00AM, what will be the first thing I'll do?" If you get weird stares, "um..uh...I don't know", might not be a place for you.
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    VBA is the reason why I'll never work in .NET. You never know
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    Fuck Visual Basic!
  • 5
    @ALivingMemory I ended up asking my team lead why. And was told the co-founder won't allow C# because he doesn't know C#. But the co-founder isn't part of the development team since a very long time. I hate stupid reasons like that.
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    @gitblame that's really stupid and egoistic from him
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    @PaperTrail "it's 8AM, what do I do?"

    My answer would probably be "I guess you'd still be asleep? I don't much care what you do before work."
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    They probably did. Today I was on the other side interviewing a guy, but we do work with c# and specifically asked about that.
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    So? Its not like it is some arane dark magic. Vb.net is easily one of the easiest languages to use in the world of .net. think about an algorithm, congrats you now have about 80% of the work done. And if you know c# well then vb.net will be a piecen of cake. I am by no meams a .net expert, but in the few .net jobs ive had I had a really great time writimg VB code. I never really understood the hate for it other than crowd mentality "everyone says fuck vb.net so i will do it too!"
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