
I am trying to get this new is shit together, I am struggling with grasping polyfill, all the npm install shit.. for a front end thing.

Do I really need npm and polyfill?
I have read some quickstarts on this but all of them look like backend stuff to me.

I am planning on using Vue and vuetify
Thoughts? Feedback?
Any link to a good resource to read will be appreciated.

  • 1
    Can't speak too much to the Vue toolchain, but as for needing node/npm, the answer is no, but it will make things a lot easier. As for needing polyfills, it depends on what browsers you're targeting.
  • 2
    I don't know about Vue either, but npm is really nice to install any lib you need. Although, you'll need a bundler too, like Webpack or Browserify.
  • 1
    @shellbug yeah i did got around this, i got a public repo on my github with a templatenfor node projects, using browserify.

    The idea of that template is to use npm to run everything you needbfor your project, from lint to bundle, even compile coffeescript if needed. Have a look :)
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