
Jesus fucking christ how can the latest Macbook be such a piece of crap? I'm currently travelling and wondering why I'm getting such an atrocious 40% packet loss and round-trip time up to 3 seconds.

Then I remember having Wi-Fi issues in the office with certain adapters, one of which I'm currently using, while I'm tethering over Wi-Fi ... disconnecting the adapter yields a perfect 0% packet loss and 30ms RTT. It Just Works® my ass. This is _one_ of the things that suck about the macbook.

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    @jAsE in comparison, yes. Everything from lack of ports to this Wi-Fi issue, some keys randomly stop working for a while, etc
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    Actually the fault here is all of the crappy adapters.
    I had the same problem, I switched to a better adapter and now I have no problem at all.

    Also now I am poor and live under a bridge
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    @Pizza this is a €75 adapter from a popular brand, shouldn't that work well? Regardless, if an appendage breaks features in the core system, something surely is incorrectly designed in the latter?
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    @fdgram I'm pretty sure you can't shield the wifi on the laptop side, otherwise you get no wifi at all.

    Is the connected devices responsibility to not interfere with it.
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    @Pizza then it should interfere with Bluetooth, the capacitive touch, the display and the other interferable components
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    @fdgram uhm why? Wifi uses a specific range of radio frequencies. That's the one that happens to be disturbed.
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    @Pizza but how can an adapter, that has nothing to do with Wi-Fi, interfere with it? Is the computer trying to use it as an antenna?
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    @fdgram any wire if unshielded can cause radio interferences, especially with high band signals.

    This might contain interesting info about this specific issue, although I haven't read it yet: https://intel.com/content/www/...
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    I'll just add that the problem would continue to exist even if the adapter was connected to some other laptop very close to yours.
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    @Pizza that sounds like a fun experiment, definitely gotta try that out, thanks!
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