Buy a $2000 suit that you will wear once or twice a year and nobody cares.

Buy a $120 keyboard that you will literally use everyday and people lose their minds.

  • 2
    … until it breaks after 10 months.
  • 1
    I had to scour the internet to purchase the same keyboard 3 times because it is so good and I don't want to get used to another one if it dies.

  • 3
    who dafaq buys a suit in this day n age?
  • 5
    If you work in any bigger corporation, go to a finance team meeting.
  • 2
    It is stupid to buy a suit that costs 2000 USD.
  • 6
    "Spend your money where you spend your time"
  • 3
    If it's a keyboard that works, sure.

    If it's a reprogrammable LED keyboard with so much bling that it needs a seizure warning. Nope. No.

    I don't like overpriced electronic waste, but a good keyboard is nice.

    Note that good != expensive. I never understood the zealous religion some people seem to have developed regarding keyboards...
  • 0
    I cant begin to rant about this !!!
    The times i had to hear about it again and again
  • 1
    Buy a €4000 plus suit that first you like a glove, that's totally you, and wear it every single time you go to the office. Own your suit style like a baws. Money well spent.
  • 1
    This must be a cultural thing - if I spent that much on a suit I barely wore everyone I know would laugh their faces off.
  • 2
    One of my best purchases was my mechanical keyboard. Better returns than other stupid shit I keep buying.
  • 0
    Only $120? Cheapskate!
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