Am I the only one here to call w3schools→w3fools?

  • 5
    There's a Chrome plugin which hides W3Schools results from searches. There was once a campaign to close them down because their stuff was so bad. I will subconsciously not click links if I ever see them. Although in their defence I think they have improved parts of their site over recent years.
  • 5
    @LeFlawk I wonder too..
  • 2
    http://www.w3fools.com/ you are not the first with that idea ;-)
  • 7
    @LeFlawk @duckduckgo

    They were horrible at their documentation.

    HTML had wrong stuff like wind or missing descriptions of attributes.

    But the worst in my opinion was PHP docs. They promoted pure idiocy, like php4 style coding when php 5.5 was used by everyone. Examples were full of bad spaghetti code, and the cherry on the cake is their continuous portrayal of examples of code using mysql_ functions with query stitching when it was already deprecated.

    And what irritated me is that it was in the top of search results, referenced in a lot of discussions, and read by newbs. And the fact that they included MySQL as part of PHP, and used it as the default for SQL.

    I think they are responsible for the worst part of the web infrastructure today - hideously bad PHP code, and the ubiquity of MySQL - arguably the worst RDBMS in use today.
  • 2
    @AndSoWeCode yeah, I guess they fucked up, but all verbs about their data in your message are "was, were, had"..
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    @sSam I try to avoid them so I don't know they current state
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    @AndSoWeCode I understand all the things you mentioned except MySQL being bad. What's so bad about it? It ain't the best thing in the world but nothing ever is.
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    @TheCapeGreek it doesn't adhere to SQL standards (meaning that it's not even SQL), it doesn't support important features like CTEs or window functions, it's extensibility is bad, the most widely used engine doesn't even support integrity constraints. Is procedural language is crap and debugging it is hell, so good luck making triggers and functions.
    It's sharding capabilities are in the stone age. No support for schemas so all tables are in one big bunch. Limited data types and operations. Its performance isn't top notch either.
  • 1
    @AndSoWeCode Interesting, thanks for letting me know. I've been looking into other SQL technologies lately anyway so this info is helpful.
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    @LeFlawk he is anonymous so he doesn't knw....... Lol
  • 1
    Is there a better alternatives tutorial?
  • 0
  • 1
    @n0ah that's so perfect! Thanks for sharing!
  • 0
    You can try www.codeacademy.com as well.
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