
! Rant

Gimp and Inkscape vs Adobe

I don't want to make people angry, but maybe one day I'll be able to go back to numeric painting a little. So I was wondering what is the problem with Gimp, Inkscape and the others?

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    Lightroom, so Adobe CC

    That's what I learned, and paying for it gives me a sense of legitimacy, which, whilst gimp and incscape are great, they don't feel right!
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    I love Adobe products, but I don't like the company.

    Inkscape is useful, but unfortunately not a real alternative for Illustrator. It crashes regularly, at least for me, with larger files. Gimp, well, it can (almost) anything that Photoshop can do. The problem, at least for me, is the user interface.

    In the meantime, however, I have found an alternative for my most frequently used programs (Illustrator, Photoshop) that works great with Linux (Wine 2.x, x64): Affinity Designer & Affinity Photo.

    For audio editing, well, there is enough open source software that is equivalent to Adobe's software.

    But what I really miss is Fireworks, which was discontinued by Adobe.
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    @tracktraps does Inkscape miss important features?
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    @Artemix Krita is great, excellent for drawing. But unfortunately no vector editing. Maybe someday ...
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    @Celes No. Nothing of real importance. Only the crashes are annoying and the performance could be better.
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    Well I guess I'll be able to do some drawing easily on linux then (maybe some optimization thanks to gentoo). I wonder if the hardware is easily compatible though
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    I love Inkscape!

    I honestly don't use Gimp much. For tablet drawing, and PhotoShop-like editing, I use Krita.

    //"The Goddess" - made by me with only inkscape//
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    @Cyanite nice :D I was thinking using krita too. Seems like I need to use calligra ebuild to get it, I hope I won't need to install everything :o
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    I get lost trying to use Inkscape. Maybe it's just me...

    But I like GIMP because of its customizability and Krita's great when I want to draw.

    The Adobe products are easier to use though, and have better features (like intelligent auto fill).
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    I do a lot of photo editing and if i had to use GIMP for it i would probably give up on photography. I use GNU/Linux most of the time and I'm a FOSS supporter but if we're talking just about usability, GIMP is really crap
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    @pajaja I would correct it in: GIMP's UI is crap.
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    @Artemix it probably depend of what you used first
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    @Artemix depend of how you see things too I guess xD
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