
Tv hacker: I'll write code to hack their security cameras

2 seconds later

Tv hacker: I'm in

Me: go fuck yourself you fucking fuck

  • 57
    Inaccuracies with computer science/hacking in movies and TV is a major pet peeve of mine.

    Welcome to devRant!
  • 61
    If they would show the entire hacking process, the movie would take 72 hours - at least.
  • 35
    @jhh2450 thanks. That shit irks me every single time. At least Mr.Robot got a huge part of it right.
  • 62
    Enlarge Image .... enlarge, rotate, flip ... enlarge moar ... let me put some filters on.

    Pixels, the fuck are those, right?
  • 5
    @tracktraps *switches the wire connected to the camera*
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    To me Silicon Valley got unironically too personal, like a relative reflection of some stuff I happen to know people went through or I went through
  • 9
    @legionfrontier The pixel story reminds me a lot of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Such a bullshit.
  • 3
    @tracktraps they are literally the one that started this unfunny meme, even adult swim took a jab at them https://youtube.com/watch/...
  • 4
    @tracktraps stopped watching that the moment they brought in bow wow as a hacker. That was beyond the standard bullshit requirements
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    But aren't IP cams total garbage in terms of security?

    Like hard coded credentials that you just need to Google?
    And exposed web-panels.

    Do you know or remember the site that lists open cam streams from all over the world?

    I admit, TV does not represent it correctly and fuck them for the bullshit they have done, but reality's sometimes even worse.

    I really like-hated that devcon talk where some dude just pwnd like 20 ip cams from 5 to 5k$ ...

    Humanity wtf.
  • 17
    Guys, guys. In order to improve one must accept the fact that he has much to learn.

    Let's all agree that the TV hackers are better than us and we have people to look up to.

    Only the best hackers get to TV.
  • 8
    @Noob name checks out
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    @vnvm Mr. Robot is probably the only one too! Lol they actually bring in professionals to advise and setup environments for the computer scenes. They have actually yet to reference something that's not factual as far as the hacking and phreaking goes
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    @hak5 rubberducky on Mr.robot
  • 4
    I always loved watching this before i go to sleep..

    Ncis being hacked. Sharing the keyboard.. Lol https://youtu.be/msX4oAXpvUE
  • 0
    @calmyourtities hahaha, indeed
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    @Artemix thanks lol, listened to it this morning, I was dying when he mentioned all the meters are secured with the same key! How does an entire continent think that's a good idea!?
  • 4
    And that's why I love Mr. Robot, at least they have a technical crew that handles these things.
  • 6
    Probably in 2 seconds he didn't just hacked the camera, but he also created a GUI to handle it with 3D graphic and futuristic design and some feature like zoom-as-much-you-want
  • 5
    Hasn't anyone seen the movie The Core? One guy hacked the whole planet - and nuclear power plants in 30 seconds.
  • 1
    The hack: read the postit they sticked to the monitor, the line which says "camera circuit"
    Probably "1234567camera"
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  • 2
    Oh god don’t get me started...

    Have y’all played watchdogs? Or watchdogs 2!?

    “I can hack traffic lights from my phone”

    “I need to hack that junction box, then that one, then that one, from... your phone”

    Wait what? I can remotely “hack” things but you have to do it in a chain even though they’re basically the same damn thing!?

    It’s a fun game, I enjoy it... but it kills me inside.

    Also it’s a plug, he used a plug to “hack” the cameras. He plugged them in, to his own shit.
  • 1
    @stereohisteria nah 1234567camera was too long for Jerry, so now the password is jerry.
  • 2
    @hoenir they still say some shit that just doesn’t add up or make much sense.

    That and I can’t really enjoy a show that portrays everyone in our industry as either an old hippy, tattooed feminist, Asian or socially inept arsehole. That particular character grouping is way overdone.

    It’s a show, entertainment, they don’t have to try that hard. Just don’t use words they don’t know the meaning of... it’d be like making all the foreign language in a movie nonsensical.
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    FYI - Mr. Robot advisors are called Annonymous Content .. just saying
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    Make that Anonymous Content thou .. (But has nothing to do with the hackers group)
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    @vnvm Congats to your free stress ball!
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    Like that game Watch Dogs xD
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