
I really don't know how LinkedIn works. The whole concept of connecting with random people is very weird. Pls explain.

  • 11
    Maybe more ram is needed https://downloadmoreram.com/
  • 2
    let's say you went to an super cool convention and there is this business owner and you two chat about your ideas and his. You like each other how do you keep in touch?

    The fastest way to get rich is to know rich people and sell them something.
  • 0
    @heyheni but as I see it the more connections you have the easier it's to get more. I see almost everyone with like 500+ connections
  • 2
    @Dacexi yes, let's say you're 10 years older and you've invented this super useful business software everyone likes. During the years you've been at many conventions and meet many business owners.

    How do you sell your software?
    You could build a website and cry into the internet your super usefull business software exists. But it's not sure it will sell. Or you could use your linkedin contacts and talk to business owners about their software problems and how your software solves all that.
    Heck you can even get feedback what your software needs to become even more usefull.

    So you've just sold your usefull business software to linkedin contact Joe and he has friends who are his suppliers for his business. Now you'll use linkedin to target them and try to sell them your software, because Joe uses it and if everbody is using your software working cross company will be easier. After that you can sell them support for your software and you've got a steady income just because you've known the right people.
  • 3
    you see, you have to have a mission a goal on linkedin. If it's selling your workforce, selling something or collecting fundraises for charities.
    Without your mission it's definitely weird to be on linked in and connect to people you don't know yet.
    And don't connect to "random people" as you've said, connect to people specific to your needs.

    It's a market.
  • 6
    LinkedIN - just facebook but for you brag about what you do at work instead
  • 7
    Its like myspace but instead of child molesters you have recruiters, and they will fuck you over way harder then a man with a candy van
  • 6

    That was dark 👹
  • 1
    Use LinkedIn to create a collection of recruiters you like, people you have met in person and were still somehow holding on to their soul. They can help you find a new job in an emergency.

    Then add developers and other employees you meet. These are more important than recruiters. They can not only help you find *good* jobs, you can also make your boss happy (bonus!) by recruiting them.

    Then add managers you have worked with. Write something nice about them, they might do the same. In a future job interview, those 20 people who said "Dacexi knows Python" will give you an edge.
  • 0
    "If you can’t be better than your competition, just dress better than they do"
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