*taking interviews of freshmen for the computer club in college*

Me: What languages do you know?
Freshman #1: C, C++.
FM #2: C, C++.
FM #3: C, C++.
FM #83: C, C++.
FM #84: Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, English.

I shot myself in the head after that last one.

  • 3
    @enen The interview is for a computer club. They were very much aware of that. I can't be expected to be syntactically correct all 80+ times. I'm only human :P
  • 8
    @Torbuntu True. I accept defeat.
  • 4
    To be honest knowing 4 languages is more impressive than knowing 2 programming languages. Not that it matters in this case.
  • 1
    Maybe the last guy cannot see sharp enough and misunderstood what for he was applying?
  • 1
    How can u write that text, when u shoot yourself in head?
  • 0
    @codumke sorry, I meant... I *wish* I shot myself in the head after that 😅
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