
First time using vim, hope I can find the exit 🤣.

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    Or you become so happy that you never ever ever wanna close it again.
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    until it suddenly closes and then recovers ur last file. that annoying message asking u what u want to do would reappear until u delete the .swp file, something i didnt know for 2 straight weeks
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    One does not simply close vim.
    Vim closes on one.
    :wq! <enter>
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    It's like Hotel California.

    "You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave."

    *Amazing solo plays in my head*
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    @nik0333 hahaha! Lame, but funny reference :-D how is this comment not getting any attention!

    You beautiful bastard!
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    @byte-me Perhaps DevRant needs more people like you, who do not let the hidden talent go unnoticed.

    And also who come up with such complements that it takes a while to comprehend 😋
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