
'Brainfuck' comes from Switzerland, the man who made VIM comes from Switzerland... Crazy guys

  • 15
    The internet was developed in switzerland too
  • 5
    @PonySlaystation stimmt!
    /* That's true! */
  • 7
    @PonySlaystation HTTP was made by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, whilst working at CERN on a NeXT Step
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  • 7
    @inukinator and CERN is in Switzerland πŸ‘
  • 5
    @PonySlaystation but it's not "the internet"
  • 3
    ++ Because of patriotism.
  • 6
    @inukinator Noone invented 'the internet' but I think it's reasonable to say that he invented the fundamentals for making the internet..
  • 2
    @inukinator maybe I should have been more precise, but I could argue that HTTP is one of the most used protocols on layer 7 of the internet. πŸ˜‰
  • 4
    @wholl0p E-Mail is much older than HTTP, even IRC, telnet bbs where even a thing, HTTP is by no means a fundement, but rather amongst the most important stepping stone, before going mainstream.
  • 2
    VIM is terrible, come at me, fellow devs. I'll take Emacs over VIM any day of the week. Fuck vim.
  • 2
    Yeah emacs is great when using evil. Best of both worlds.
    Come on dude don't be afraid, join the darkside. 😈

    Spacemacs is a good start for vim user to get to know emacs.

    I like both but I can't use emacs professionally yet I'm missing some dev features. I'm using orgmode heavy though. Once I'm capable at elisp/lisp I'm going to lean more into emacs too many goodies in there.
  • 3
    @wholl0p Maybe not a single person, but it was certainly invented, and invented by the US military if my history is correct (HTTP is not "the internet" any more than IE is). You don't think it just appeared one day so you?
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    @devios1 that's exactly what I was saying πŸ˜‚ did you just quoted the wrong person??
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    @wholl0p Well you said no one invented the internet and that's what I was originally commenting on.
  • 3
    @devios1 I originally meant that not one single person invented it but multiple people/organisations/...
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    @wholl0p the Internet is a chain of events, the nene for instance is French..
  • 1
    @inukinator okay I think we'll end this here... I know what the internet is, also I don't think that we have to explain it to each other over and over again.. ALSO that's not what the post is about, k?
  • 2
    The internet is created in The Netherlands.
    The creator smoked some nuclear☒ grade weed, then he wrote the internet in 1 day.

    This is a true story Google it.
    Cheers 🍻 to the greatest country on Earth
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    @AlexDeLarge but lives in Switzerland..
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    @AlexDeLarge what?? That's not even remotely close to what I said.........
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    @AlexDeLarge "crazy guys" is what I said... isn't it?!
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    @AlexDeLarge okay I see you either don't get it or you think and assume way too much... If you don't understand or like it, then simply don't comment πŸ˜‚
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    I noticed that they both live in Switzerland and that both "invented" crazy stuff... So they both are crazy guy "over there"...

    I have no clue what you don't understand..
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge okay cool thing πŸ‘πŸ‘ then please in future avoid my posts, I don't want to trigger your autism again!
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    I want to live in Switzerland! Well I want it even more now xP
  • 0
    ^ Above, you can see one of the first conflicts on devRant.
  • 2
    Europeans invent weird things 😁
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