What would you do in case of a nuclear war?

I don't normally put my tinfoil hat on, but this is the first time when I'm genuinely worried. As for myself, I can always move back to the countryside where my parents live.

And FYI: http://newindianexpress.com/world/...

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    Die, probably.
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    What @JohnDoesNot said, the old drills that were taught in the old Cold War era in what to do when the sirens sounded in the US if nukes launched, they werent to help you survive, it was placebo to make you think you could survive, you *will not*
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    If the blast didnt immediately kill you, the fallout will and it just get worse from there, the game Metro 2033 is a good example of what could had happened
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    @JohnDoesNot @legionfrontier
    I meant if you survived. For instance, in case of USA vs Korea, europeans most likely won't get directly hit, but there will be aftermath.

    I was thinking on stocking up on fuel, buying a generator and playing Fallout 2 in the basement all winter long (pun intended).
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    @DutulescuRemus If what the article says its truth, it is an Hydrogen Bomb, like the ones dropped at Nagasaki/Hiroshima, while they still create some fallout, is not the same enriched plutonium or uranium ones that fucks you up way worse, this are more "clean/humanitarian" ones as some articles call H-Bombs
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    @legionfrontier Oh, the irony. Black humour at its finest.
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