Which is your favorite programming language & why?

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    Python because brackets.
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    Scheme, it's a tight lisp
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    @elcore never hear of it, will check it out
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    @sour will also check this out
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    @theuser using python all the time because of my rpi
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    Because you can do anything with it and it's async

    Or R, for maths/stats
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    @Frostbit go for chicken scheme. or racket, if you want everything even the kitchen sink
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    Python because of the standard library.
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    C#, because it is nice and clean.
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    C and C++.
    C++ more I guess just because classes help a ALOT with organization.

    Nothing out there like C/C++. Especially em pointers. Period. 😍😍😍
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    C# because of the amazing Visual Studio, nuget, UWP, Unity and Xamarin!
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    Ruby, even though it's not cool anymore. Easy to read, lots of syntax sugar (whether that's a good thing is a matter of opinion). Great community that likes to make things easy
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    Elixir, cos it doesn't crash everything and go haywire at the smallest minor error.

    Also, unlike in many I other languages its error messages are useful.
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