Ah, I see you studies music in college! Why don't you work in information security!

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    @tyrogge He also lost his job at Google. Because he was a complete and utter fool that was totally wrong and a disgrace for himself, his industry and his employer.
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    @gloslistan and for not drinking their koolaid. 😞
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    I just googled that twat. Turns out he became an alt-right internet sensation. According to LinkedIn he's still unemployed.
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    If you think degree is what gets you into IT, then what are you doing in IT?
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    πŸ˜‚ My dad has a degree in music. He ended up becoming one of the best forensic homicide investigators his police force had ever employed.

    His obnoxious dad joke regarding this mismatch (because obviously there has to be a dad joke here...) was β€œI find my degree in music very INSTRUMENTAL to my career with the police force.” πŸ™„
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    Hey let's leave the sexist degree shaming on Twitter and Facebook and not cross-post it here, yeah?
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    @hardeepasrani WordPress.
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    One cannot learn all the knowledges of IT security in the university. IMO, in IT industry, the diploma is not really important. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
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    @krazycavin I’m biased, but I agree that degrees are not how skill is assessed anymore. It’s how you do the job, and how often you’re afforded new opportunities to learn.

    I failed math in high school and never finished college, but my company is training me in advanced calculus for machine learning development and I love it. The workplace is often nothing like college, and my ability to do great work is unrelated to my struggles in an academic environment πŸ’ͺπŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“
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    @hardeepasrani ... WordPress.
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