
My pull request is currently being blocked because my imports aren't alphabetically ordered...

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    For my projects I prefer order by length but at work no way I'd request nor check for that, on my projects I do whatever I want but when working with others no bugs + task done is the real deal and not alphabetically ordering imports 😒
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    *whispers quietly* “As it should be”...

    As a disclaimer, if this is a guideline and everyone has to stick to it, I think it’s fine and everything will be internally consistent. Otherwise you’ll be back in 6 months and import something but it’ll already be imported you’ll just not have noticed. But if it’s someone applying a specific rule you, they’re an ass.
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    @CrankyOldDev except all decent IDE's will highlight when you have repeating imports
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    isort is your friend! 😇
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    @jhole89 Meh... details. I'm still right! 😁
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    @CrankyOldDev stop using vim for development!!!
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    @jhole89 You can accuse me of many things. But I will not tolerate being called a vim user. Take that back!
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    @jhole89 @CrankyOldDev what's wrong with vim? :(
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    @jhole89 my vim highlights repeating imports. And non sorted ones, too.
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    @shellbug yep. Mine too. It even highlights when I'm using a class that's not imported. Vim is really cool if you give it time.
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