
Ten hours of making a fully responsive website for a gf's university class in only pure HTML and CSS made me realize how much I take frameworks for granted.

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    Genuine curiosity: which did you prefer?
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    Ain't missing the media query every damn thing times one bit.

    Although with html5, you can get away with just defaulting a lot of it.. :)
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    We all do. Even the ones who don't accept it!
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    But at least now you have a quality performant site without any bloatware or shit.
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    Frameworks are great for learning, but there's so many modern tools for writing css now that make it so fast to just roll your own grid system and go from there. Wayyyy less bloated that way too.
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    @Ashkin I'm sorry I don't get the question?
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    @rewert which frameworks do you prefer?
    Specifically I'm looking for a very tiny responsive grid system, but I'm also curious in general.
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    @lotd I cannot even begin to explain how much I agree with you.
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    @Ashkin Honestly...Bootstrap. Probably only cause I learned it first. Tried Foundation but it did sit right with me.
    But that's unfair cause I tried to learn it while bein preoccupied with other things.
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    @rewert I'm having a keen eye on tailwind css :)
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    @rewert bootstrap :(

    it's functional and useful, but it just feels so tired and common.
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    @Ashkin yeah I know what you mean, but I go by the logic, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
    It was the first framework I learned, it gets the job done so I just kinda stuck with it
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    @rewert fair enough I suppose 🙂
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    Fuck frameworks and their fucking grids.
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    @waqas-ibrahim haha
    I much prefer writing my own styles.

    But for large projects with a bunch of css-nubs for coworkers, I really need a framework to hold their hand.
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    @Ashkin The whole purpose of frameworks like bootstrap was to be used for quickly putting some ui together for quick demonstrations not to be used as a base. I get that frameworks like materialize and semantic ui are a complete ui package but I hate that how you get limited with what the framework offers and building on top of that is really messy.
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    @waqas-ibrahim totally agreed
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    @Ashkin build your own, last time I needed too I did in 16 LOC.
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