
"Telling a programmer there's already a library to do X is like telling a songwriter there's already a song about love." - Pete Cordell

  • 3
    Thanks for reminding me to bootstrap my new project on Desktop GUI Distribution ,,😉 it's called GnoKdface
  • 1
    Yah let's write our own shit instead of using a 100% coverage tested library designed by the collective intelligence of the contributors and communtiy feedback. Our O(n²) solution, due to time constraints for _actual_ business logic, should do just fine 👌
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    If we ever want to be seen as s legitimate field of engineering, we need to embrace the concept of reusable parts. Every other field operates this way. Even cars are made from mainly standard reusable parts with a few custom parts that make them unique.

    Devs, focus on what makes your project unique. Use a standard reusable part for the well understood problems
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    You never need to code authentication/authorization yourself. Neither should you code encryption. Use battle tested tools for those. I’m sure you’ll find battles tested things for 90% of your project. Just worry about your business rules
  • 0
    I wonder when the last mason made his own hammer from scratch... does he even want to, would he learn anything meaningful from it? Nope, he’d just be wasting his clients time and money
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