  • 0
    Let me guess... Ubuntu?
  • 0
    I like! What's the theme name?
  • 4
    @Pgdevpatryk Yip currently elementary os but I switch flavors every 2-3 months.
  • 4
    @Nebyular Adapta-Noktu GTK theme with Moka icons. The clock is the conky gotham widget.
  • 0
    @Torbuntu There is nothing childish about what I’m seeing there
  • 2
    @Torbuntu Initally fucking frustrating. Then I disabled 90% of its unique 'features' (disabled single click open, added minimize etc) and it became much better. I decided to try their way and keep files off the desktop - it is way cleaner and less stressful but after 4 months I'm still adjusting lol. I find It's also more stable than mint and very fast
  • 1
    @Torbuntu Yip - well to put it more precisely more stable than cinnamon. Also doing seemlingly simple things like unplugging an hdmi cable actually work on elementary where on mint with cinnamon it would freak out completely but then again I guess that's why they added cntl+alt+bksp to restart it.
  • 0
    @Torbuntu it also bugged me initially. Not having files and shortcuts on the desktop drove me mental but oddly I've found working around these things made my general workflow way more productive with a lot of keyboard shortcuts etc I would never have learnt. Also my file organisation is pristine where as I always has a bunch of stuff on my desktop that was either complete crap or very important and it became blurry which was which
  • 1
    Adapta-Noktu is in the AUR right
    (or there's some other arch supported version out there?)
  • 1
    Ubuntu is user friendly, but in my experience i prefer distros such as Arch or Manjaro
  • 0
    I thought it was you after yesterday's rant 😂
  • 1
    Elementary 😍
  • 0
    Looks good, but I still prefer i3wm 🤓
  • 0
    I have elementary loki or something like that. Where can get the dark theme good sir.
  • 1
    You could do better with KDE
  • 1
    Nifty approved.
    (This desktop setup and the post itself has been specially liked and agreed upon by the user NiftyPi, your items are pretty Nifty, have a nice day/evening.)
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