
I just tried doing some situps and push-ups...

Guess how many I could do?

TLDR: I may have found the root cause of some problems...

Any tips on how to go from belly fat to normal/fit?

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    Check out P. D. Mangan’s site: http://roguehealthandfitness.com/
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    @bkwilliams does it work?
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    @billgates eating right and picking up then setting down heavy things, yes.
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    @bkwilliams eating right... There's the hard part... What is right?
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    Do you have a local gym or training center in your area? Might be good place to start by going, say, three times per week. I personally recommend running (or bicycling) in intervals over traditional cardio training. Couple that with weightlifting and normal eating, you should be all set.

    And hey, you could even code something alone the way like say an interval timer or something that hooks up to your weight scale.
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    @theuser no gym nearby and don't wanna pay...

    I have a yoga app apparently... Never opened it till now....

    seems yoga can burn fat, though it's pretty painful on carpet or floor...

    It did confirm though my arms are weak... Can't hold those push up like positions....
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    A little every day with consistency is better than a lot a few times a month. Make a wimpy workout you know you can commit to. Then ramp it up in increments when it gets boring. You don't need a gym membership. Run, pushups, situps, squats, and chin ups. Just start with what you know you can do easily and go from there.
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    from my own experience:

    I used to be 128kg. My "looking fit" weight is 97kg. I dropped to 95kg within 45 days doing following:

    - Get up at 5:30

    - Run for 25min. No stops no walks. Can slow down but not to the point of walking. Overdress to sweat as much as possible.

    - Back home, eat breakfast: pickles and yogurt. No bread nothing else.

    - 9:00 go to gym, workout for 45min. Lower weights, higher num of repeats.

    - the rest of the day until next morning drink water only.

    After I lost to 95kg (I am 196cm), slowly introduce back food but only healthy stuff: whole grain bread, fresh veggies, a bit of meat and bacon, no sodas no coke no fast food of any kind.

    I never got back up to my overweight crap.

    14 years later still looking fit.
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    No carbs. Eat meat and veggies. You'll lose weight pretty much quickly and automatically.
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    Buy broccoli carrots capsicum cucumber coliflower tomatoes. Dont have to cook. Get a fridge next to your desk and eat when hungry. Drink water and avoir salt. Ho and stop drinking ;) then go for 1 20 minutes walk up a hill everyday. 5 push ups and 5 sit ups everyday before shower and next week increase by 5.
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    I recommend simply running. There's no way not to lose weight if you run a lot and regularly
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    Stop immediately consuming sugar. Stop drinking beer. Run or bike, regularly. You’ll feel healthier and the knock on effect will make you want to eat better.

    I have managed to stop with sugar and my beer consumption is down to 10% of what it was. still working on the rest but exercise is so fucking boring. i will never set foot in a Gymnasium. To me exercise is like wanking, it should be done in private.
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    @helloworld I don't agree with entirely cutting sugar and beer. Imo, it should be seen as a treat. For example, on fridays you can have beer and sugar. Otherwise, you eat healthy and drink water/milk/juice (healthy means whatever works for you, not low/no carbs, low far or whatever)
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    Most important is that whatever u choose to go for to loose weight, all starts with your state of mind and firm decision to make it happen no matter what.

    First two weeks were absolute horror to me when I started with my approach.

    However it started with me starting at my own reflection in the mirror, completely hating what I saw and promised myself: this is not going to be me.

    Without that I would probably give up half way.
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    I'm sorry, but I can't believe the amount of misinformed people.

    There's a basic feature that all our bodies share, and that's the fact that if you consume less calories than your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn off calories) you'll lose weight. And I'm afraid that everything doesn't work well for everyone because everyone is different. So you'll just have to find out the lifestyle that works best for you!

    A few tips though: eating habits are the most important parts of losing weight, for drinks stick to water as much as possible, hydration is key for weight loss, plenty of studies to back that up.

    For exercise if you're really untrained, I suggest walking and push ups and squats, there are a lot apps for basic bodyweight exercises that only require your body. I suggest focusing on functionality rather than strength.

    Diet in general is pretty much up to you, but common sense goes a long way! Fibrous foods, lots of protein, go with lean proteins such as chicken breast
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    Flank steak, turkey breast, fish(!) But pretty much all proteins are perfect.

    Remember that most foods in excess are bad for you and moderation is key. Start simple and work your way up, it's easy to get discouraged otherwise. Good luck!
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    @enen the issue with carbs is they cause vasodilation which when coupled with a high protein diet will raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of a cardiac event. The healthiest option for people is high fat, high protein and low carb diet. I guess they call it a keto diet these days and they do work.

    Unfortunately, my wife is a practice nurse so I have heard waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much about this topic. I can't emphasize how much more I've heard about this topic than I wanted to. I really can't emphasize enough how much info has been forced onto me on the subject. 😋

    But really, I think a small amount of carbs is fine. I just know that it's not because of said forced knowledge against my will above.
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    @enen You're right. To pile on, get some dietary fiber in your life as well. And foods rich in them are normally low carb with high nutrients.

    @billgates - Oh and I don't know how heavy or light you are but if you're starting out on the heavy side and need some cardio but running sucks for you, elypticals are very nice and you can get a really good burn on them without beating up your legs and joints as much.
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    Wow... This thread rely took off... thnx tho, will take a while to suggest it all

    But it seems in general... Let off the sugar... Might be a bit hard....

    Btw I noticed there's no mention about coffee...
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    @billgates coffee itself has no calories. Drink up (but be careful about creamers and milks).

    If you wind up wanting to go the medication route, look up Phentermine. That stuff works and gives you energy. You'll need a doctor to prescribe it though.
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