
Calling something "idempotent" is fucking stupid. Why do you have to overcomplicate an already complicated shit such as terraform?

Why not call it unchangeable? Something that can be understood by a 2 year old. What even is the "immutable" word for if not even that is being used??? Why have 2+ words that define the same shit. Are u fking stupid who the fuck coined this phrase Idempotent and thought it was a good idea

When i read idempotent i have to remember and translate in my mind that it actually means "not changeable". On contrary theres "Non-Idempotent" so this fucks up the complexity even more cause Now i have to translate it as "non-not changeable -> which means it is everything But not changeable -> so if it is NOT not changeable -> it means it IS changeable" Fffuck offf

  • 3
    I like it because certain words carry more information than the word itself

    E.g. constant, immutable and static all mean the same thing in a literal sense but obvious for a programmer they all refer to different things because we associate these words with specific contexts
  • 4
    You should email Benjamin Peirce and tell him his an asshole.

    It has a completely different meaning from immutable:

  • 13
    That's not what idempotent means...

    Idempotent means that the action results in the same outcome regardless of the starting configuration. So ensuring that a VM exists. Every time you do it, there is one vm, regardless of whether it existed before or not. The outcome is uncoupled from the starting configuration.

    Non idempotent means that the action is applied no matter the starting configuration, resulting in different outcomes. So adding a new vm. Every time you do it, you get a new vm. The outcome is dependent on the starting configuration.
  • 6
    Idempotency is a powerful tool, and it makes me cringe that a relatively simple concept is so poorly understood.

    Don't put these terms down before you know what they mean - research them and make sure you understand how you can best use them in your work.
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    @AlmondSauce i understand what it does
  • 6
    @b2plane this is a picture of you not knowing.
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    @lungdart idempotent means i can change terraform config and those new changes will replace the old ones but will still remain 1 instance instead of adding a new one.
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    @b2plane If you would know and understand what idempotent means, you wouldn't complain about it being the same as immutable.
    You clearly don’t understand the difference.
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    So, is idempotent kind of like a shot of sperm. Once the woman is pregnant no amount of additional jizz is going to change the growing baby.
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    @Demolishun This is how idempotency should be explained to the common folk, yes. :)
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    because "unchangeable" means something different than "idempotent".

    unchangeable means - literally - unchangeable. hope you don't need an explanation for that.

    idempotent means: regardless of whether or not an action changes something, the _resulting state_ will be the same. no matter how often you call the action.

    but.... maybe you should just stick to a job befitting a 2-year-old ;)
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    @b2plane It doesn't really mean that at all, that's just the emergent behaviour of one specific idempotent operation.

    The more common use case of idempotency (and it's true advantage) is that you can retry as many times as you like without fear of duplication. If I try to charge a customer and the network goes down, I don't know whether that charge has gone through or not. But without idempotency, I can't safely retry - as I could end up double charging.

    With idempotency I can retry all day long, and everyone is happy.
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