
My partner can't wrap her head around why I write all forms of communication in a formal matter, whether it be an email, bug report or text message.

I keep telling her you never know who you are actually talking to unless your face to face, anyone else agree with this logic?

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    Sure, if you don't know who you're speaking to then formal should be the default.
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    @trubesv yep doing that!
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    Formal != verbose and wordy, though. I struggle with this a lot. I find myself really trying to cut back on the number of words I use. People’s attention spans require ever shorter TL;DRs to be the default.
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    Formal should be the norm for any written documents...
    It may look funny now when you send a email to a coworker calling him faggot, telling to get his shit together and fix that fuking bug.
    Won't be funny when the email is pulled on a meeting...

    If it's work related behing informal means lack of professionalism for lots of people.... No matter how good you really are.
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    @GodHatesMe Same here....
    Actually had problems because I talk a lot and like to talk about.. Well anything...
    And I know a lot... Not a lot lot but have lots of general knowledge, and for many people that's behing super smart....
    So had lots of problems with envy and such...
    Still do... Me and my mouth
    My boss hates me cause of it... He's very geleous and gets mad because sometimes people start talking to hear me talking... Because the subject is interesting or I'm giving a not well known expansion about something...
    People suck... Wish I was a hermafrodite to fuck myself and care about no one else...
    (ps: sick joke, not wanting to offend)
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