The ONLY way I’m able to survive...

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    I prefer rockstar but hey, to each his own.
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    I get my energy from being in a constant state of lingering rage. Somewhere somehow there's always someone or something.
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    Yes I survive by playing with networking equipment as well. Why'd you take a picture with a can in the way?
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    @Gophyr 😂 those are bricked lol. Now, they are just paperweights.
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    yay, panic attack in a can
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    @d4ng3r0u5 Lol, I’ve cut back... 4-7 a day. Don’t judge me, my doctor already does. 😂
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    @AnonyOps nah, definitely not one to judge. I drink an amount of alcohol that my doctor calls "irresponsible" and "unreasonable" and "Mr. Projektaquarius how are you still alive"
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    @projektaquarius lol it’s like you are going to the same doctor as I.
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    We all die eventually, might as well make it taste good. 🤷🏽‍♂️
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    How did you brick a bunch of catalysts. Those things are mostly made of brick to begin with.
    Killed the flash?
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    @bottswana power surges in my town at least twice a week recently 😬
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    @AnonyOps damn. Totally dead? If you can get it to bootstrap on serial you have a chance but if it's electrically fried.. :(
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    @bottswana one is totally fried and the other mayyyyyy have a chance, been working on web dev for the 3rd fucking time so I haven’t got to tinker with it sadly 💔
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    @AnonyOps good luck. If you run into a wall give me a shout, recovered a few in my time. Give your offering to the God of serial before hand! Heheh
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    @bottswana 😂😂 will do, thanks!!
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    I get kidney stones from drinking like 3 of those. So no thank you ✋
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    I read an article about a person who used to drink energy drinks all the time. Long story short, he doesn't have a part of his forehead(/head) now.
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