
Should I learn system design even if I am a react native developer?

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    If my grandma had wheels she'd have been a bike.
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    @SidTheITGuy why, because you rode her so much?
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    rephrase the question:

    does it have any downsides of learning system design as a react developer?

    I would say no, definitely not.
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    These are tangential. React native is neither especially dependent on system design nor especially distant from it.
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    Depends on what thee learning entails. Is it a 2 day class or a 2 years master degree?
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    Just for interview
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    Some wider system design knowledge is always useful 👍

    Even if you consider yourself "just a dev in a specific tech stack" you could be called upon at any time during a system change to voice your input.

    For example my department is the middle of some platform changes that could lead to significant changes in how many changes our web team and app team will have to do - and most of us devs are in talks. But it seems some stay out of the debate because they don't feel they know enough about system design.
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