
Does anyone has any ideas about cool/stupid thins that you can do on a shcool's computer

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    Wrote a bash to open 100 tabs chrome and each tab is randomly chosen between google, bing and duckduckgo. 🤷‍♂️
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    Open and close cd-rom in an infinite loop, on startup.
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    @ThatDude Windows 7, the IT teachers took me out of class(we had german test) to fix the computer, 2 gb of ram thought.
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    Delete system 32 file or whatever (sorry don't know the appropriate terminology 🤷) and replace the icon with chrome icon.
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    Or install cryptominers on them and profit.
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    @Haxk20 @ThatDude
    Narrator: It was definitely sarcasm.
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    Other than bombing, you can steal RAM?
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    @CoffeeAndHate we once had a script that recursively called itself after sshing into the next pc in an ip range ejecting the CD drive as it went along, all the lab PCs had sequential ips so you got this nice cascade effect as it ran.

    The solution the school came up with was to use slot loading cd drives, no more drawers no more problem.
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    My favorite hack I ever did on a school system was to reconfigure Netscape (this tells you how long ago it was) to tell it that the email program was c:\windows\command.com which gave me a command prompt, from which I could launch telnet.exe to log into a MUD I was playing at the time.
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    Make a website and get the county to block it like I did 😂 or maybe just use the cli and mess with stuff.
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    Create continuously annoying messages in batch programming and put that file in startup 😂😂😂
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