OneNote sucks, don't know why it was chosen as a daily update tool. It doesn't sync properly with some people's poor connections, then some junior (who isn't very proficient with computers) decides to create a new update page every once in a while and nobody knows WTF is going on. I suggested some better tools for daily update notes before, but it gets shot down every time by the other lead programmer in a different squad. I can't even complain about it in retro, it has gotten shot down there too before. I give up.

Is there something wrong with me for trying to make work experiences a bit less frustrating and efficient?

  • 1
    Ugh! I was at a company that was like this too.

    Instead, I recommend telling them that One Note is insecure and can be hacked, (not that it's true or not) to fear monger them into to choosing a new tool. 😜
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    @iSwimInTheC actually that is true.
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    @dissolvedgirl. Consider just not to use it yourself at all and instead use whatever fits you?
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    What is a daily update tool?

    They are asking you to write down what you did each day in a notebook in OneNote?
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    @NeatNerdPrime the other lead programmer hassles me to update it every fucking day, I can't get out of it. And everyone else seems to not be bothered much by it. Must be me, I'm probably THAT person... :D
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    @nanobot We use it in conjunction with our daily standup meeting. The other lead programmer then copies the written updates and sends it in an email to managers and what are supposed to be product owners who want to have daily updates on our projects' progress. I don't know how I got here, but this is how they want to do things. I'm fine with management having frequent updates, but doing it this way is really awkward and feels clunky. And OneNote fucking sucks.
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    @dissolvedgirl +1 for “OneNote ducking sucks”.

    But it’s the only tool that
    1. Is cross platform
    2. Is free to a large extent
    3. Has a decent web clipper
    4. Supports good handwriting (on my iPad with a pen)
    5. Convenient to use (single person)

    Used it to share notebooks for one semester back at the university, and then we gave up.
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    WTH... The level of micromanaging is 🤷‍♀️

    I thought that our company's monitoring practice is bad enough. For sure yours is the winner here.
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