
One of the nice bonus things about having 2+ kids is a father's/mother's day. A day off every month at the day of my choice.

Aahhh, finally a calm day to spend with my fam

Do other countries also have this?

  • 3
    No, we don't have it. Haven't you not many days off with three kids, because one is always sick?
  • 3
    I wish! Never heard of this before. Make the most of it!
  • 2
    @ostream whether they should or shouldn't depends on the country's demographic strategy. LT demography is shrinking, so fams with kids get all sorts of benefits to make fam life more attractive and essentially make more kids. However stupid it may sound, having kids is a tremendous time pit. Having a day off to get at least some pending chores sorted is a very handy benefit IMO, making it considerably easier
  • 2
    Whatttt - they should have this everywhere
  • 1
    @ostream 2 days off are for parents of 3+. 1 day - for parents of 2. Single child fams get 1 day per 3 months
  • 1
    @ostream naah, if you buy 20, you can't work at all - no time for work :)
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