  • 6
    This has been my argument from the start.

    A lot of the arguments against this view on declarative programming are "what's the difference between just information and a programming language?" "Is an image file a program?"

    Yes. C files are just text files that will successfully compile. Everything is "just information".

    I feel like most of the argument against html as a programming language comes from the misconception that programming languages are special in some way, and different from regular data files.

    It all comes down to the fact that any programming language is just text. So they aren't any different from an image file. If you wrote a .png byte by byte I would say that is programming. You've programmed specific pixels to display.

    On top of that I'm fucking sick of this misinformation-fuelled argument. HTML is a programming language (however, not a scripting language) and everyone needs to get off their fucking high horses when it comes to HTML programmers. You are no more of a programmer if you program in c than someone who writes HTML.

    Imagine someone just starting off programming and they chose HTML and shared, very proudly, that they wrote a program, only to have some dickhead come along: "lolol noob HTML isn't a programming language". The new, enthusiastic programmer is crushed. They would feel like a large achievement was taken from them.

    My first language was HTML and I was fucking proud. I would be in a very different place today if some dick muncher told me I wasn't actually a programmer when I was 12 learning HTML. I would have probably quit.
  • 3
    @illusion466 The point is markup is programming.
  • 1
    @illusion466 You don't apply to a job with brainfuck.

    XML/XSLT is already more - still markup - but has HTML-if statements - that's cool, hm? ^^

    My first one was HTML, too. And though I get into JS, Lua & I know python - I really still love HTML+CSS and this "proud achievement" is really a thing you shouldn't take from beginners, I agree ^^
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