  • 3
    2017. jQuery.
  • 3
    Very sorry but I don't get that (Why)
  • 2
    @Ma30h I'd guess because it takes 4 Weeks and starts at 23rd not 1st. Else I don't get it either.
  • 5
    @Ma30h @Tandashi Because it is a course about a programming language that won't actually focus on programming principles and will also teach a framework at the same time. This is intended for less technical people or those who don't yet know how to program so the end result will be more of those designers who import a hundred libraries just to use one feature without understanding the ramifications of what they do.
  • 1
    People still (unfortunately) use jQuery, and it's not going away. I had to make an ajax call for the first time in three years yesterday during a technical interview.
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