Wohoo, new signal update :D

Now signal has in my opinion everything you need for a messenger and isn't bloated with useless shit like status, etc.

  • 3
    Yeah I love signal. It's so fucking fast and basically doesn't use any battery 😍
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    I asked myself, when they want to publish the new feature.
    Im in the beta and like it a lot.
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    @Dacexi So uhm what's the big difference? 😅
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    @linuxxx nah it's always been great! The new update adds profile images and names :)
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    @Dacexi How are they stores and where? :)
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    @linuxxx I have no clue lol. Probably locally and shared with contacts.
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    @Dacexi If it's locally I'll set it up as well! Otherwise nope :P
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    @linuxxx here is what they say on their website:

    'The Signal service does not have any knowledge of the name you have chosen or the image you have set.'

    So I guess it is stored locally? I am not sure though
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    @404response Can also mean that its just encrypted :)
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    @linuxxx ah yeah right, when I hit safe after adding my name and a profile picture it said: 'saving and encrypting' so yeah I guess it is stored on their servers

    Well I only used my first name and added a picture of me. I never used a profile picture in WhatsApp, but I trust signal more than

    Stealing your data - book
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    It has the most efficient UI too IMO, and merges really well with Gboard and black devrant ❤️
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    @oscarascal Not to be rude or anything but in case you use signal for privacy reasons together with a Google keyboard.... 😅
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    @linuxxx yeah I know, but for now I can't get any of my contacts to go to signal too, so I'll just enjoy the UI
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    @linuxxx it has also a quite good french language support. I've tried other keyboards that lack a lot of verbs/words and have false conjugations
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    @oscarascal Fair enough haha, for me it's just that I rather not have Google analyzing about everything I type :P
    The one i use sends data home as well but I just block that with a root firewall xD
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