
To the web devs here: What resources would you recommend for catching up a little to the web development state of the art? The last time I have designed anything HTML5/CSS3 were just being introduced. So my knowledge is pretty outdated, but I'm note starting from zero. I'm looking for some best practices and something framework-agnostic would be nice. Unless you say “Dude it's 2017, nobody even boils water without using *.js”, of course.

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    Bootstrap for design php for scripting and MySQL for database
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    Are you wanting to just refresh some memory and learn a few of the new things? If you’re wanting something like free training, check out codeacademy.com , if I haven’t helped just give me a -(++) lol.
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    Mozilla's MDN site is an awesome reference for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
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    I would suggest pick a component based framework like react, Vue, angular or ember. These all give a similar way of working and should be able to find nice getting started tutorials. Look at new JavaScript ie. es2017 with babel or typescript. Look at webpack for spitting your Js into modules and building and packaging a webapp. Look into a CSS extension like sass. Hth!
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    Thanks for all the input!

    @aitkotw For the moment, I'm after client-side tips. I have less issues in the backend (for now). I've read bootstrap pretty often here, I guess I'll check it out.

    @AnonyOps Why should I -- you? Maybe I'll check those courses out. But I hope my own projects will give me some insights as well.

    @wiredgecko Thank you!

    @spacem, @aitkotw So basically nothing frameworkless anymore?
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    @ThatDude and everyone else, too: I'd love to, but I feel it's a litte more complicated in my case. To say it drastically, I could do everything in straight XHTML 1.1, but of course I'd like to catch up a little. It is almost guaranteed that by just coding my own projects on my own, I'd end up with a lot of suboptimal code and learn a lot less than I could, just becaus I didn't know there's a better way. That's why I was hoping to get some hints for articles or blogs here with subjects like “This new CSS feature and how it makes your life easier” or “How contact forms can be done in 2017”. Sort of best practices, like I said; not from a theoretical point of view (like a reference), but from a practical one.
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    @7400 lol, I didn’t feel as though I was understanding the question. 😂I hoped I helped even in the slightest, but I definitely hope you get insight from your project!
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    For a blog on new javascript there is https://hacks.mozilla.org/category/...
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