full stack web development in 2017: mvvm model, api for backend, parsing on frontend

me: <?php echo "<div>hello".$name."</div>" ?>

  • 6
    Heh heh heh, tell me about it. Toss in Docker, Jenkins, Mongo/Postgres/what-have-you, Cloud Server, recommendation engine (because we can't decide what to have for supper), GraphQL...

    I had an interview test recently where I was asked to build a Python compiler from JavaScript in 2 hours.

    Got as far as 'screw this job, I'll find something else'.
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    @AlexDeLarge i never do fucking fullstack web stuff
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge i live off of verbosity, it fuels me like caffeine
  • 1
    That is totally wrong!!! It's not full stack code Correct code me:
    <?php echo "<div>hello <span id='name'></span></div>" ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = request.open('GET', 'name.txt');
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    @AlexDeLarge Billie (australian accent)
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    MVVM in Web??? i thought it was MVC on web and MVVM for WPF/UWP XAML apps... doesn't matter... i get ur point.
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    @MrCSharp ofcourse mvvm in web, after all the client side models are almost always view models right
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    @crapperthepooh MVVM is more suitable for 2-way binding (like in XAML) and MVC is associated with the web. i might be wrong here but I always thought MVVM was a derivative of MVC for XAML apps (silverlight, WPF, UWP)
  • 0
    MVVM is also what Angular and the like use for 2-way bindings. Keep in mind that MVVM can be easily mixed with other paradigms on different parts of the system or on a different abstraction level.

    Example for MVC at different (arbitrary) abstraction levels:
    - Database, browser, web server
    - sorted data, web view, application logic
    - Model class, template, controller class

    As you can see, the paradigm can be applied throughout the whole stack. MVVM is more about interactive user interfaces, but it can also span multiple layers of an MVC system, not only the view - it depends at which level you look.
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