There's this TV show called Startup. The protagonist "hacker" tells a guy to go learn JavaScript. And then they show him learning Java. If noobs make this mistake, I get it. But a TV show that's featuring a "hacker" who can create crypto currency and dark web sites? WTF?

  • 2
    And they have the audacity to reference Mr. Robot!
  • 1
    I have not seen the show, nor did i know that it existed. But, if he told him to learn js and then the noob went ahead and started with java...well wouldnt that be close to reality? What with people making the mistake all the time.
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    It certainly is creators fault. Although could be explained that dude is stupid enough, doesn't see a difference and starts learning the wrong shit
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    @Jop- nah b, Js is a must and it is quickly evolving into a great option as a main development language. People did not like it but saw potential and by the gods it does have much potential!
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    @AleCx04 @miuoshki you're right, if he made the mistake, it would've been a noob mistake. But did you see the picture? He's actually learning JavaScript (so it's not like his fault) but the code that they showed is Java code.
  • 1
    Because javascript is evolving?
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