What font do you guys use in your editor?
I have always used consolas but lately I have really gotten used to fonts like NSimSun, GulimChe or MSGothic which are a bit more edgy and aliased, which honestly goes pretty well with code imo

  • 3
    Fira Code with ligatures.


    (The only downside I see with it is the dotted 0 instead of the the slashed zero, even though it's supposed to be in there.)

    In the past I was very font of Inconsolata-dz, yet those ligatures of Fira Code are both beautiful and helpful.
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    Consolas ❤️
  • 2
    No clue, as long as it's not comic sanse I don't even care :)
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    Inconsolata, although recently I've been using Terminus because you can fit more on the screen with it.
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